361 research outputs found

    A test of the predictive validity of non-linear QALY models using time trade-off utilities

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    This paper presents a test of the predictive validity of various classes of QALY models (i.e., linear, power and exponential models). We first estimated TTO utilities for 43 EQ-5D chronic health states and next these states were embedded in health profiles. The chronic TTO utilities were then used to predict the responses to TTO questions with health profiles. We find that the power QALY model clearly outperforms linear and exponential QALY models. Optimal power coefficient is 0.65. Our results suggest that TTO-based QALY calculations may be biased. This bias can be avoided using a power QALY model.Cost-utility analysis, QALYs, power QALY model, predictive validity, time tradeoff, Leex

    Accessing very high dimensional spaces in parallel

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    Access methods are a fundamental tool on Information Retrieval. However, most of these methods suffer the problem known as the curse of dimensionality when they are applied to objects with very high dimensionality representation spaces, such as text documents. In this paper we introduce a new parallel access method that uses several graphs as distributed index structure and a kNN search algorithm. Two parallel versions of the search method are presented, one based on master–slave scheme and the other based on a pipeline. A thorough experimental analysis on different datasets shows that our method can process efficiently large flows of queries, compete with other parallel algorithms and obtain at the same time very high quality results.This research has been supported by the CICYT project TIN2014-53495-R of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Una Experiencia de enseñanza centrada en el aprendizaje

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    En este trabajo presentamos una experiencia de implantación de una asignatura combinando diversas metodologías de aprendizaje activo: flipped classroom con JiTT (Just in Time Teaching), uso del portafolio reflexivo y autoevaluación. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este tipo de metodologías favorecen la implicación del alumno en su aprendizaje de manera continua, permitiéndole adquirir las competencias de la asignatura. Además, una correcta planificación de las actividades les permite abordarlas en el tiempo previsto para la asignatura y no sobrecarga de trabajo al profesorado incluso con grupos numerosos. Los resultados parciales disponibles de la evaluación continua son muy positivos, así como la opinión de los alumnos sobre la metodología y su propio aprendizaje.SUMMARY -- In this work we describe the implementation of a course that combines several active learning methodologies: flipped classroom with JiTT (Just in Time Teaching), reflective portfolio and self-assessment. Our results show that the use of this kind of methodologies benefits the continuous involvement of the students in their learning process, allowing them to achieve the competences of the course. Besides, a correct planning of the activities permits the students to approach them in the expected time and does not increase the workload of professors, even when working with large groups. Only partial results of the continuous assessment process are available, but they are very positive, as well as the opinions collected from students about the methodology and their own learning process

    Una experiencia de evaluación formadora por compañeros

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    En el seminario permanente de innovación educativa en el que participamos nos hemos formado en el uso de la autoevaluación y la evaluación por compañeros para llevar a cabo la evaluación continua que ha venido de la mano de los nuevos grados. Este trabajo presenta la puesta en marcha de estas estrategias en una asignatura de Informática del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de nuestra universidad, junto a unos primeros resultados.In the Permanent Educational Innovation Seminar which we are involved in, we have trained ourselves in the use of self-assessment and peer-based evaluation in order to carry out the continuous assessment that has come hand-in-hand with the new degree courses. This study presents the implementation of these strategies in a subject on computing in the Degree in Translation and Interpreting at our university, together with a summary of some of the early findings

    Practical considerations for acoustic source localization in the IoT era: Platforms, energy efficiency, and performance

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    The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has posed important changes in the way emerging acoustic signal processing applications are conceived. While traditional acoustic processing applications have been developed taking into account high-throughput computing platforms equipped with expensive multichannel audio interfaces, the IoT paradigm is demanding the use of more flexible and energy-efficient systems. In this context, algorithms for source localization and ranging in wireless acoustic sensor networks can be considered an enabling technology for many IoT-based environments, including security, industrial, and health-care applications. This paper is aimed at evaluating important aspects dealing with the practical deployment of IoT systems for acoustic source localization. Recent systems-on-chip composed of low-power multicore processors, combined with a small graphics accelerator (or GPU), yield a notable increment of the computational capacity needed in intensive signal processing algorithms while partially retaining the appealing low power consumption of embedded systems. Different algorithms and implementations over several state-of-the-art platforms are discussed, analyzing important aspects, such as the tradeoffs between performance, energy efficiency, and exploitation of parallelism by taking into account real-time constraintsThis work was supported in part by the Post-Doctoral Fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana under Grant APOSTD/2016/069, in part by the Spanish Government under Grant TIN2014-53495-R, Grant TIN2015-65277-R, and Grant BIA2016-76957-C3-1-R, and in part by the Universidad Jaume I under Project UJI-B2016-20.Publicad

    Una experiencia de autoevaluación y evaluación por compañeros

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    En el seminario permanente de innovación educativa en el que participamos nos hemos formado en el uso de la autoevaluación y la evaluación por compañeros para llevar a cabo la evaluación continua que ha venido de la mano de los nuevos grados. Este trabajo presenta la puesta en marcha de estas estrategias en una asignatura de Informática del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de nuestra universidad, junto a unos primeros resultados.SUMMARY -- On the way to incorporate continuous evaluation coming from the hand of new degrees, we have been trained in auto-assessment and peer-assessment through the permanent seminar on innovation in education we take part in. This paper presents the start-up of the studied assessment techniques on the Computing subject in a Bachelor Degree in Translation and Interpreting, as well as the early obtained results

    An Efficient Implementation of Parallel Parametric HRTF Models for Binaural Sound Synthesis in Mobile Multimedia

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    The extended use of mobile multimedia devices in applications like gaming, 3D video and audio reproduction, immersive teleconferencing, or virtual and augmented reality, is demanding efficient algorithms and methodologies. All these applications require real-time spatial audio engines with the capability of dealing with intensive signal processing operations while facing a number of constraints related to computational cost, latency and energy consumption. Most mobile multimedia devices include a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) that is primarily used to accelerate video processing tasks, providing high computational capabilities due to its inherent parallel architecture. This paper describes a scalable parallel implementation of a real-time binaural audio engine for GPU-equipped mobile devices. The engine is based on a set of head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) modelled with a parametric parallel structure, allowing efficient synthesis and interpolation while reducing the size required for HRTF data storage. Several strategies to optimize the GPU implementation are evaluated over a well-known kind of processor present in a wide range of mobile devices. In this context, we analyze both the energy consumption and real-time capabilities of the system by exploring different GPU and CPU configuration alternatives. Moreover, the implementation has been conducted using the OpenCL framework, guarantying the portability of the code

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora de una asesoría fiscal y laboral en Valencia

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    [ES] Este trabajo de fin de carrera consiste en un análisis y propuesta de mejora de una asesoría fiscal y laboral en Valencia. El objeto del análisis ha sido detectar las debilidades y fortalezas de la empresa y las amenazas y oportunidades del entorno. Una vez analizada la empresa y su entorno se han diseñado propuestas de mejora basándonos en esas variables estudiadas. He comenzado describiendo la situación de la empresa dentro del sector y los retos a los que se enfrenta para permanecer en el mismo. Más adelante, se analizan la particularidades del sector en el que se sitúa y la coyuntura económica actual. Esta breve aproximación al sector y a la empresa da paso al inicio del análisis, empezando por su parte externa: el entorno. Se ha estudiado el entorno con tres niveles de detalle: macroentorno (Análisis P.E.S.T.), microentorno (Análisis de las fuerzas competitivas) y competidores directos. De este análisis han surgido la mayor parte de amenazas y oportunidades y de la comparación con la competencia algunas fortalezas y debilidades. En segundo lugar he analizado las operaciones. En este apartado se estudian la localización, la distribución en planta, la descripción de las operaciones y los sistemas de información utilizados. El objeto de nuevo es detectar fortalezas y debilidades centrándonos en qué hace la empresa y cómo lo hace. En tercer lugar se han analizado la organización y los recursos humanos. Partiendo de la misión, visión y valores de la empresa, se ha analizado la estructura de la misma y la descripción de los puestos de trabajo. También se analiza si la forma jurídica y fiscal de la empresa es la adecuada para su actividad y facturación para valorar si ésta favorece o limita su crecimiento. Nuevamente fortalezas y debilidades surgen del análisis. En cuarto lugar se ha analizado el área comercial. En primer lugar se ha realizado una segmentación de mercado describiendo tipos de clientes con dos objetivos: a) saber si estamos satisfaciendo las necesidades de nuestro público objetivo y b) detectar oportunidades de satisfacer las necesidades de otros clientes. He continuado analizando el marketing-mix de la empresa buscando nuevas formas de enfocar las estrategias que puedan aumentar la cuota de mercado de la empresa. En quinto lugar se ha analizado la situación económico-financiera de la empresa por medio del análisis de balances, cuenta de resultados y ratios financieros. Se han buscado más fortalezas y debilidades relacionadas con este marco. Por último se ha afrontado el objeto principal del trabajo, que no es otro que elaborar propuestas de mejora para la empresa. Con el análisis anterior de la empresa se puede elaborar una matriz DAFO/CAME de la que derivarán combinaciones de oportunidades y amenazas por un lado y fortalezas y debilidades por otro, en las que me he centrado para elaborar las propuestas. De estas propuestas se ha seleccionado la de mayor importancia para la empresa y se ha estudiado su viabilidad financiera. Por último, se expone un calendario de implantación mediante un diagrama Gantt.Badía González, JV. (2012). Análisis y Propuesta de Mejora de una Asesoría Fiscal y Laboral en Valencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27987.Archivo delegad

    Intestinal Anti-inflammatory Effects of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 in DSS-Experimental Colitis in Mice

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    Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) is a probiotic strain with proven efficacy in inducing and maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis. However, the microbial factors that mediate these beneficial effects are not fully known. Gram-negative bacteria release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) as a direct pathway for delivering selected bacterial proteins and active compounds to the host. In fact, vesicles released by gut microbiota are emerging as key players in signaling processes in the intestinal mucosa. In the present study, the dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis mouse model was used to investigate the potential of EcN OMVs to ameliorate mucosal injury and inflammation in the gut. The experimental protocol involved pre-treatment with OMVs for 10 days before DSS intake, and a 5-day recovery period. Oral administration of purified EcN OMVs (5 μg/day) significantly reduced DSS-induced weight loss and ameliorated clinical symptoms and histological scores. OMVs treatment counteracted altered expression of cytokines and markers of intestinal barrier function. This study shows for the first time that EcN OMVs can mediate the anti-inflammatory and barrier protection effects previously reported for this probiotic in experimental colitis. Remarkably, translation of probiotics to human healthcare requires knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in probiotic–host interactions. Thus, OMVs, as a non-replicative bacterial form, could be explored as a new probiotic-derived therapeutic approach, with even lower risk of adverse events than probiotic administration.his work was funded by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”, Spain (Grants AGL2012-34985, AGL2016-79113-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and AGL2015-67995-C3-3-R, all co-financed with European Commission ERDF funds), by the Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR (Grant 2014SGR1017), and by the Junta de Andalucía (Grant CTS-164). The CIBEREHD is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. M-JF acknowledges her FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness